Source code for pymvg.camera_model

import numpy as np
import yaml

from .util import _undistort, get_rotation_matrix_and_quaternion, np2plain, \
     Bunch, plain_vec, my_rq, is_rotation_matrix, center, normalize, \
     point_msg_to_tuple, parse_rotation_msg, _cam_str, is_string
from .quaternions import quaternion_matrix, quaternion_from_matrix
from .ros_compat import sensor_msgs as sensor_msgs_compat

# Define matrices to point ROS transforms such than +Z is directly
# ahead and +X is right.
rot_90 = np.array( [[ 0,0,1],
                    [ -1,0,0],
                    [ 0,-1,0]], dtype=np.float)
rot_90i = np.linalg.pinv(rot_90)

[docs]class CameraModel(object): """an implementation of the Camera Model used by ROS and OpenCV Tranformations: We can think about the overall projection to 2D in two steps. Step 1 takes 3D world coordinates and, with a simple matrix multiplication and perspective division, projects them to undistorted 2D coordinates. Step 2 takes these undistorted 2D coordinates and distorts them so they are 'distorted' and match up with a real camera with radial distortion, for example. 3D world --(step1)----> undistorted 2D ---(step2)----> distorted 2D Step 1 is accomplished by making the world coordinates a homogeneous vector of length 4, multiplying by a 3x4 matrix M (built from P, R and t) to get values [r,s,t] in which the undistorted 2D coordinates are [r/t, s/t]. (The implementation is vectorized so that in fact many points at once can be transformed.) Step 2 is somewhat complicated in that it allows a separate focal length and camera center to be used for distortion. Undistorted 2D coordinates are transformed first to uncorrected normalized image coordinates using parameters from P, then corrected using a rectification matrix. These corrected normalized image coordinates are then used in conjunction with the distortion model to create distorted normalized pixels which are finally transformed to distorted image pixels by K. Coordinate system: the camera is looking at +Z, with +X rightward and +Y down. For more information, see As noted on the link above, this differs from the coordinate system of Harley and Zisserman, which has Z forward, Y up, and X to the left (looking towards +Z).' """ __slots__ = [ # basic properties 'name', # a string with the camera name 'width','height', # the size of the image # extrinsic parameters '_rquat', # the rotation quaternion, np.array with shape (4,) '_camcenter', # the center of the camera, np.array with shape (3,) # intrinsic parameters '_opencv_compatible', # these intrinsic parameters specified like OpenCV 'P', # used for undistorted<->normalized, np.array with shape (3,4) 'K', # used for distorted<->normalized, a scaled version of P[:3,:3], np.array with shape (3,3) # (The scaling of K, with the default alpha=0, is such that # every pixel in the undistorted image is valid, thus throwing # away some pixels. With alpha=1, P==K and all pixels in the # original image are in the undistorted image.) # the distortion model 'distortion', # (distortion params) the distortion, np.array with shape (5,1) or (8,1) 'rect', # (distortion params) the rectification, None or np.array with shape (3,3) ] AXIS_FORWARD = np.array((0,0,1),dtype=np.float) AXIS_UP = np.array((0,-1,0),dtype=np.float) AXIS_RIGHT = np.array((1,0,0),dtype=np.float) # --- start of CameraModel constructors ------------------------------------ def __init__(self, name, width, height, _rquat, _camcenter, P, K, distortion, rect): = name self.width = width self.height = height self._rquat = _rquat self._camcenter = _camcenter self.P = P self.K = K self.distortion = distortion self.rect = rect self._opencv_compatible = (self.P[0,1]==0) assert np.allclose( P[:,3], np.zeros((3,))) def __getstate__(self): """allow CameraModel to be pickled""" return self.to_dict() def __setstate__(self,state): tmp = CameraModel.from_dict(state) for attr in self.__slots__: setattr( self, attr, getattr( tmp, attr ) ) @classmethod def _from_parts(cls, translation=None, camcenter=None, rotation=None, intrinsics=None, name=None, ): """Instantiate a Camera Model. params ------ translation : converted to np.array with shape (3,) the translational position of the camera (note: not the camera center) camcenter : converted to np.array with shape (3,) the camera center (mutually exclusive with translation parameter) rotation : converted to np.array with shape (4,) or (3,3) the camera orientation as a quaternion or a 3x3 rotation vector intrinsics : a ROS CameraInfo message the intrinsic camera calibration name : string the name of the camera """ if translation is not None and camcenter is not None: raise RuntimeError('translation and camcenter arguments are mutually exclusive') set_camcenter_from_translation = True if camcenter is not None: set_camcenter_from_translation = False camcenter = np.array(camcenter) assert camcenter.ndim==1 assert camcenter.shape[0]==3 if translation is None: translation = (0,0,0) if rotation is None: rotation = np.eye(3) if name is None: name = 'camera' rmat, rquat = get_rotation_matrix_and_quaternion(rotation) if set_camcenter_from_translation: t = np.array(translation) t.shape = 3,1 camcenter = rmat.T, t )[:,0] del t _rquat = rquat if 1: # Initialize the camera calibration from a CameraInfo message. msg = intrinsics width = msg.width height = msg.height shape = (msg.height, msg.width) P = np.array(msg.P,dtype=np.float) P.shape = (3,4) if not np.allclose(P[:,3], np.zeros((3,))): raise NotImplementedError('not tested when 4th column of P is nonzero') K = np.array( msg.K, dtype=np.float) K.shape = (3,3) assert K.ndim == 2 distortion = np.array(msg.D, dtype=np.float) if len(distortion) == 5: distortion.shape = (5,) elif len(distortion) == 8: distortion.shape = (8,) else: raise ValueError('distortion can have only 5 or 8 entries') assert distortion.ndim==1 if msg.R is None: rect = None else: rect = np.array( msg.R, dtype=np.float ) rect.shape = (3,3) if np.allclose(rect,np.eye(3)): rect = None result = cls(name, width, height, _rquat, camcenter, P, K, distortion, rect) return result @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d, extrinsics_required=True ): translation = None rotation = None if 'image_height' in d: # format saved in ~/.ros/camera_info/<camera_name>.yaml #only needs w,h,P,K,D,R c = sensor_msgs_compat.msg.CameraInfo( height=d['image_height'], width=d['image_width'], P=d['projection_matrix']['data'], K=d['camera_matrix']['data'], D=d['distortion_coefficients']['data'], R=d['rectification_matrix']['data']) name = d['camera_name'] else: # format saved by roslib.message.strify_message( sensor_msgs.msg.CameraInfo() ) c = sensor_msgs_compat.msg.CameraInfo( height = d['height'], width = d['width'], P=d['P'], K=d['K'], D=d['D'], R=d['R']) name = d.get('name',None) translation = d.get('translation',None) rotation = d.get('Q',None) if translation is None or rotation is None: if extrinsics_required: raise ValueError('extrinsic parameters are required, but not provided') result = cls._from_parts(translation=translation, rotation=rotation, intrinsics=c, name=name, ) return result @classmethod def load_camera_from_file( cls, fname, extrinsics_required=True ): if fname.endswith('.bag'): raise NotImplementedError('cannot open .bag file directly. Open ' 'with ROS and call ' 'CameraModel.load_camera_from_opened_bagfile(bag, ...)') elif (fname.endswith('.yaml') or fname.endswith('.json')): if fname.endswith('.yaml'): with open(fname,'r') as f: d = yaml.safe_load(f) else: assert fname.endswith('.json') with open(fname,'r') as f: d = json.load(f) return cls.from_dict(d, extrinsics_required=extrinsics_required) else: raise ValueError("only supports: .bag .yaml .json") @classmethod
[docs] def load_camera_from_opened_bagfile( cls, bag, extrinsics_required=True ): # pragma: no cover """factory function for class CameraModel arguments --------- bag - an opened rosbag.Bag instance extrinsics_required - are extrinsic parameters required """ camera_name = None translation = None rotation = None intrinsics = None for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(): if 1: parts = topic.split('/') if parts[0]=='': parts = parts[1:] topic = parts[-1] parts = parts[:-1] if len(parts)>1: this_camera_name = '/'.join(parts) else: this_camera_name = parts[0] # empty, this_camera_name, topic = parts # assert empty=='' if camera_name is None: camera_name = this_camera_name else: assert this_camera_name == camera_name if topic == 'tf': translation = msg.translation rotation = msg.rotation # quaternion elif topic == 'matrix_tf': translation = msg.translation rotation = msg.rotation # matrix elif topic == 'camera_info': intrinsics = msg else: warnings.warn('skipping message topic %r'%topic) continue bag.close() if translation is None or rotation is None: if extrinsics_required: raise ValueError('no extrinsic parameters in bag file') else: translation = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) rotation = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) else: translation = point_msg_to_tuple(translation) rotation = parse_rotation_msg(rotation) if intrinsics is None: raise ValueError('no intrinsic parameters in bag file') result = cls._from_parts(translation=translation, rotation=rotation, intrinsics=intrinsics, name=camera_name, ) return result
[docs] def load_camera_from_M( cls, pmat, width=None, height=None, name='cam', distortion_coefficients=None, _depth=0, eps=1e-15 ): """create CameraModel instance from a camera matrix M""" pmat = np.array(pmat) assert pmat.shape==(3,4) M = pmat[:,:3] K,R = my_rq(M) if not is_rotation_matrix(R): # RQ may return left-handed rotation matrix. Make right-handed. assert np.allclose(,-R),,R)) R = -R K = -K a = K[2,2] if a==0: warnings.warn('ill-conditioned intrinsic camera parameters') else: if abs(a-1.0) > eps: if _depth > 0: raise ValueError('cannot scale this pmat: %s'%( repr(pmat,))) new_pmat = pmat/a cam = cls.load_camera_from_M( new_pmat, width=width, height=height, name=name, _depth=_depth+1) return cam camcenter = center(pmat)[:,0] P = np.zeros( (3,4) ) P[:3,:3]=K if distortion_coefficients is None: distortion_coefficients = np.zeros((5,)) else: distortion_coefficients = np.array(distortion_coefficients) assert distortion_coefficients.shape == (5,) i = sensor_msgs_compat.msg.CameraInfo() i.width = width i.height = height i.D = [float(val) for val in distortion_coefficients] i.K = list(K.flatten()) i.R = list(np.eye(3).flatten()) i.P = list(P.flatten()) result = cls._from_parts(camcenter = camcenter, rotation = R, intrinsics = i, name=name) return result
@classmethod def load_camera_default(cls): pmat = np.array( [[ 300, 0, 320, 0], [ 0, 300, 240, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0]]) return cls.load_camera_from_M( pmat, width=640, height=480, name='cam') @classmethod def load_camera_from_ROS_tf( cls, translation=None, rotation=None, **kwargs): rmatx, rquatx = get_rotation_matrix_and_quaternion(rotation) rmat = rot_90i,rmatx) rmat, rquat = get_rotation_matrix_and_quaternion(rmat) if hasattr(translation,'x'): translation = (translation.x, translation.y, translation.z) C = np.array(translation) C.shape = (3,) return cls._from_parts(camcenter=C, rotation=rquat, **kwargs) @classmethod def load_camera_simple( cls, fov_x_degrees=30.0, width=640, height=480, eye=(0,0,0), lookat=(0,0,-1), up=None, name='simple', distortion_coefficients=None, ): aspect = float(width)/float(height) fov_y_degrees = fov_x_degrees/aspect f = (width/2.0) / np.tan(np.radians(fov_x_degrees)/2.0) cx = width/2.0 cy = height/2.0 M = np.array( [[ f, 0, cx, 0], [ 0, f, cy, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0]]) c1 = cls.load_camera_from_M( M, width=width, height=height, name=name, distortion_coefficients=distortion_coefficients) c2 = c1.get_view_camera( eye=eye, lookat=lookat, up=up) return c2 # --- end of CameraModel constructors -------------------------------------- def __str__(self): return _cam_str(self.to_dict()) def __eq__(self,other): assert isinstance( self, CameraModel ) if not isinstance( other, CameraModel ): return False d1 = self.to_dict() d2 = other.to_dict() for k in d1: if k not in d2: return False v1 = d1[k] v2 = d2[k] if is_string(v1): if not v1==v2: return False elif v1 is None: if not v2 is None: return False else: if not np.allclose(np.array(v1), np.array(v2)): return False for k in d2: if k not in d1: return False return True def __ne__(self,other): return not (self==other) def to_dict(self): d = {} d['name'] d['height'] = self.height d['width'] = self.width d['P'] = np2plain(self.P) d['K'] = np2plain(self.K) d['D'] = np2plain(self.distortion[:]) if self.rect is None: d['R'] = np2plain(np.eye(3)) else: d['R'] = np2plain(self.rect) d['translation']=np2plain(self.translation) d['Q']=np2plain(self.get_Q()) return d # ------------------------------------------------- # properties / getters def get_Q(self): R = quaternion_matrix(self._rquat)[:3,:3] return R Q = property(get_Q) def get_Qt(self): t = np.array(self.translation) t.shape = 3,1 Rt = np.hstack((self.Q,t)) return Rt Qt = property(get_Qt) def get_M(self): P33 = self.P[:,:3] M = P33, self.Qt ) return M M = property(get_M) def get_translation(self): C = np.array(self._camcenter) C.shape = (3,1) t =, C)[:,0] return t translation = property(get_translation) def get_Q_inv(self): return np.linalg.pinv(self.Q) Q_inv = property(get_Q_inv) def get_t_inv(self): ti = np.array(self._camcenter) ti.shape = 3,1 return ti t_inv = property(get_t_inv) # ------------------------------------------------- # other getters
[docs] def is_opencv_compatible(self): """True iff there is no skew""" return self._opencv_compatible
[docs] def is_distorted_and_skewed(self,max_skew_ratio=1e15): """True if pixels are skewed and distorted""" # With default value, if skew is 15 orders of magnitude less # than focal length, return False. skew = self.P[0,1] fx = self.P[0,0] if abs(skew) > (abs(fx)/max_skew_ratio): if np.sum(abs(self.distortion)) != 0.0: return True return False
def get_name(self): return def get_extrinsics_as_bunch(self): msg = Bunch() msg.translation = Bunch() msg.rotation = Bunch() for i in range(3): setattr(msg.translation,'xyz'[i], self.translation[i] ) for i in range(4): setattr(msg.rotation,'xyzw'[i], self._rquat[i] ) return msg def get_ROS_tf(self): rmatx = self.get_Q() rmat = rot_90,rmatx) rmat2, rquat2 = get_rotation_matrix_and_quaternion(rmat) return self.get_camcenter(), rquat2 def get_intrinsics_as_bunch(self): i = Bunch() i.height = self.height i.width = self.width assert len(self.distortion) == 5 i.distortion_model = 'plumb_bob' i.D = plain_vec(self.distortion.flatten()) i.K = plain_vec(self.K.flatten()) i.R = plain_vec(self.get_rect().flatten()) i.P = plain_vec(self.P.flatten()) return i def get_camcenter(self): return self.t_inv[:,0] # drop dimension def get_lookat(self,distance=1.0): world_coords = self.project_camera_frame_to_3d( [distance*self.AXIS_FORWARD] ) world_coords.shape = (3,) # drop dimension return world_coords def get_up(self,distance=1.0): world_coords = self.project_camera_frame_to_3d( [distance*self.AXIS_UP] ) world_coords.shape = (3,) # drop dimension return world_coords-self._camcenter def get_right(self,distance=1.0): cam_coords = np.array([[distance,0,0]]) world_coords = self.project_camera_frame_to_3d( [distance*self.AXIS_RIGHT] ) world_coords.shape = (3,) # drop dimension return world_coords-self._camcenter def get_view(self): return self.get_camcenter(), self.get_lookat(), self.get_up() def get_rotation_quat(self): return np.array(self._rquat) def get_rotation(self): return self.Q def get_K(self): return self.K def get_D(self): return self.distortion def get_rect(self): if self.rect is None: return np.eye(3) else: return self.rect def get_P(self): return self.P
[docs] def save_to_bagfile(self,fname,roslib): # pragma: no cover """save CameraModel to ROS bag file arguments --------- fname - filename or file descriptor to save to roslib - the roslib module """ roslib.load_manifest('rosbag') roslib.load_manifest('sensor_msgs') roslib.load_manifest('geometry_msgs') import sensor_msgs.msg import geometry_msgs import rosbag bagout = rosbag.Bag(fname, 'w') msg = extrinsics = geometry_msgs.msg.Transform() b = self.get_extrinsics_as_bunch() for name in 'xyz': setattr(msg.translation, name, getattr(b.translation,name) ) for name in 'xyzw': setattr(msg.rotation, name, getattr(b.rotation,name) ) topic = + '/tf' bagout.write(topic, extrinsics) msg = intrinsics = sensor_msgs.msg.CameraInfo() b = self.get_intrinsics_as_bunch() # these are from image_geometry ROS package in the utest.cpp file msg.height = b.height msg.width = b.width msg.distortion_model = b.distortion_model msg.D = b.D msg.K = b.K msg.R = b.R msg.P = b.P topic ='ascii') + '/camera_info' bagout.write(topic, intrinsics) bagout.close()
def save_intrinsics_to_yamlfile(self,fname): b = self.get_intrinsics_as_bunch() d = b.__dict__ buf = yaml.dump(d) with open(fname,'w') as fd: fd.write( buf )
[docs] def get_mirror_camera(self,axis='lr',hold_center=False): """return a copy of this camera whose x coordinate is (image_width-x)""" assert axis in ['lr','ud'] # Keep extrinsic coordinates, but flip intrinsic # parameter so that a mirror image is rendered. if self.is_distorted_and_skewed(): raise NotImplementedError('no mirroring implemented for skewed cameras') i = self.get_intrinsics_as_bunch() if axis=='lr': i.K[0] = -i.K[0] i.P[0] = -i.P[0] if not hold_center: # This flips the X coordinate but preserves the # optical center. i.K[2] = (self.width-i.K[2]) i.P[2] = (self.width-i.P[2]) else: # axis=='ud' i.K[4] = -i.K[4] i.P[5] = -i.P[5] if not hold_center: # This flips the Y coordinate but preserves the # optical center. i.K[5] = (self.height-i.K[5]) i.P[6] = (self.height-i.P[6]) camnew = self._from_parts( translation = self.translation, rotation = self.Q, intrinsics = i, name = + '_mirror', ) return camnew
[docs] def get_flipped_camera(self): """return a copy of this camera looking in the opposite direction The returned camera has the same 3D->2D projection. (The 2D->3D projection results in a vector in the opposite direction.) """ cc, la, up = self.get_view() lv = la-cc # look vector lv2 = -lv up2 = -up la2 = cc+lv2 camnew = self.get_view_camera(cc, la2, up2).get_mirror_camera(hold_center=True) camnew.distortion[3] = -self.distortion[3] if camnew.rect is not None: raise NotImplementedError('No support for flipping cameras ' 'that require rectifcation') return camnew
[docs] def get_view_camera(self, eye, lookat, up=None): """return a copy of this camera with new extrinsic coordinates""" eye = np.array(eye); eye.shape=(3,) lookat = np.array(lookat); lookat.shape=(3,) gen_up = False if up is None: up = np.array((0,-1,0)) gen_up = True else: up = np.array(up) assert up.ndim==1 assert up.shape[0]==3 lv = lookat - eye f = normalize(lv) old_settings = np.seterr(invalid='ignore') s = normalize( np.cross( f, up )) np.seterr(**old_settings) if np.isnan(s[0]) and gen_up: up = np.array((0,0,1)) s = normalize( np.cross( f, up )) assert not np.isnan(s[0]), 'invalid up vector' u = normalize( np.cross( f, s )) R = np.array( [[ s[0], u[0], f[0]], [ s[1], u[1], f[1]], [ s[2], u[2], f[2]]]).T eye.shape = (3,1) t =,eye) result = self._from_parts( translation=t, rotation=R, intrinsics=self.get_intrinsics_as_bunch(),, ) return result
[docs] def get_aligned_camera(self, scale, rotation, translation): """return a copy of this camera with new extrinsic coordinates""" s,R,t = scale, rotation, translation cc, la, up = self.get_view() f = la-cc X = np.linalg.inv( R ) fa = f, X ) cca0 = cc*s cca = cca0, X ) laa = cca+fa up2 = up, X ) cca2 = cca+t laa2 = laa+t return self.get_view_camera(cca2, laa2, up2) # -------------------------------------------------- # image coordinate operations
def undistort(self, nparr): # See # Parse inputs nparr = np.array(nparr,copy=False) assert nparr.ndim==2 assert nparr.shape[1]==2 if np.sum(abs(self.distortion)) == 0.0: # no distortion necessary, just copy inputs return np.array(nparr,copy=True) u = nparr[:,0] v = nparr[:,1] # prepare parameters K = self.get_K() fx = K[0,0] cx = K[0,2] fy = K[1,1] cy = K[1,2] # P=[fx' 0 cx' tx; 0 fy' cy' ty; 0 0 1 tz] P = self.get_P() fxp = P[0,0] cxp = P[0,2] fyp = P[1,1] cyp = P[1,2] # Apply intrinsic parameters to get normalized, distorted coordinates xpp = (u-cx)/fx ypp = (v-cy)/fy # Undistort (xp,yp) = _undistort( xpp, ypp, self.get_D() ) # Now rectify R = self.rect if R is None: x = xp y = yp else: assert R.shape==(3,3) Rti = np.linalg.inv(R.T) uh = np.vstack( (xp,yp,np.ones_like(xp)) ) XYWt =, uh) X = XYWt[0,:] Y = XYWt[1,:] W = XYWt[2,:] x = X/W y = Y/W # Finally, get (undistorted) pixel coordinates up = x*fxp + cxp vp = y*fyp + cyp return np.vstack( (up,vp) ).T def distort(self, nparr): # See # Based on code in pinhole_camera_model.cpp of ROS image_geometry package. # Parse inputs nparr = np.array(nparr,copy=False) assert nparr.ndim==2 assert nparr.shape[1]==2 if np.sum(abs(self.distortion)) == 0.0: # no distortion necessary, just copy inputs return np.array(nparr,copy=True) uv_rect_x = nparr[:,0] uv_rect_y = nparr[:,1] # prepare parameters P = self.get_P() fx = P[0,0] cx = P[0,2] Tx = P[0,3] fy = P[1,1] cy = P[1,2] Ty = P[1,3] x = (uv_rect_x - cx - Tx)/fx y = (uv_rect_y - cy - Ty)/fy if self.rect is not None: R = self.rect.T xy1 = np.vstack((x,y,np.ones_like(x))) X,Y,W =, xy1) xp = X/W yp = Y/W else: xp = x yp = y r2 = xp*xp + yp*yp r4 = r2*r2 r6 = r4*r2 a1 = 2*xp*yp D = self.distortion k1 = D[0]; k2=D[1]; p1=D[2]; p2=D[3]; k3=D[4] barrel = 1 + k1*r2 + k2*r4 + k3*r6 if len(D)==8: barrel /= (1.0 + D[5]*r2 + D[6]*r4 + D[7]*r6) xpp = xp*barrel + p1*a1 + p2*(r2+2*(xp*xp)) ypp = yp*barrel + p1*(r2+2*(yp*yp)) + p2*a1 K = self.get_K() fx = K[0,0] cx = K[0,2] fy = K[1,1] cy = K[1,2] u = xpp*fx + cx v = ypp*fy + cy return np.vstack( (u,v) ).T # -------------------------------------------------- # 3D <-> image coordinate operations def project_pixel_to_camera_frame(self, nparr, distorted=True, distance=1.0 ): if distorted: nparr = self.undistort(nparr) # now nparr is undistorted (aka rectified) 2d point data # Parse inputs nparr = np.array(nparr,copy=False) assert nparr.ndim==2 assert nparr.shape[1]==2 uv_rect_x = nparr[:,0] uv_rect_y = nparr[:,1] P = self.P/self.P[2,2] # normalize # transform to 3D point in camera frame at z=1 y = (uv_rect_y - P[1,2] - P[1,3]) / P[1,1] x = (uv_rect_x - P[0,1]*y - P[0,2] - P[0,3]) / P[0,0] z = np.ones_like(x) ray_cam = np.vstack((x,y,z)) rl = np.sqrt(np.sum(ray_cam**2,axis=0)) ray_cam = distance*(ray_cam/rl) # normalize then scale return ray_cam.T def project_camera_frame_to_pixel(self, pts3d, distorted=True): pts3d = np.array(pts3d,copy=False) assert pts3d.ndim==2 assert pts3d.shape[1]==3 # homogeneous and transposed pts3d_h = np.empty( (4,pts3d.shape[0]) ) pts3d_h[:3,:] = pts3d.T pts3d_h[3] = 1 # undistorted homogeneous image coords cc =, pts3d_h) # project pc = cc[:2]/cc[2] u, v = pc if distorted: # distort (the currently undistorted) image coordinates nparr = np.vstack((u,v)).T u,v = self.distort( nparr ).T return np.vstack((u,v)).T def project_pixel_to_3d_ray(self, nparr, distorted=True, distance=1.0 ): ray_cam = self.project_pixel_to_camera_frame( nparr, distorted=distorted, distance=distance ) # transform to world frame return self.project_camera_frame_to_3d( ray_cam ) def project_3d_to_pixel(self, pts3d, distorted=True): pts3d = np.array(pts3d,copy=False) assert pts3d.ndim==2 assert pts3d.shape[1]==3 # homogeneous and transposed pts3d_h = np.empty( (4,pts3d.shape[0]) ) pts3d_h[:3,:] = pts3d.T pts3d_h[3] = 1 # undistorted homogeneous image coords cc =, pts3d_h) # project pc = cc[:2]/cc[2] u, v = pc if distorted: # distort (the currently undistorted) image coordinates nparr = np.vstack((u,v)).T u,v = self.distort( nparr ).T return np.vstack((u,v)).T
[docs] def project_camera_frame_to_3d(self, pts3d): """take 3D coordinates in camera frame and convert to world frame""" cam_coords = np.array(pts3d).T t = self.get_translation() t.shape = (3,1) world_coords =, cam_coords - t) return world_coords.T
[docs] def project_3d_to_camera_frame(self, pts3d): """take 3D coordinates in world frame and convert to camera frame""" pts3d = np.array(pts3d) assert pts3d.ndim==2 assert pts3d.shape[1]==3 # homogeneous and transposed pts3d_h = np.empty( (4,pts3d.shape[0]) ) pts3d_h[:3,:] = pts3d.T pts3d_h[3] = 1 # undistorted homogeneous image coords cc =, pts3d_h) return cc.T # -------------------------------------------- # misc. helpers
[docs] def camcenter_like(self,nparr): """create numpy array of camcenters like another array""" nparr = np.array(nparr,copy=False) assert nparr.ndim==2 assert nparr.shape[1]==3 return np.zeros( nparr.shape ) + self.t_inv.T