Source code for pymvg.multi_camera_system

import os
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
import warnings

import numpy as np

from pymvg.camera_model import CameraModel
from pymvg.util import pretty_json_dump, is_rotation_matrix, normalize_M, \
     parse_radfile, my_rq, center
from pymvg.align import estsimt

[docs]class MultiCameraSystem: def __init__(self,cameras): self._cameras=OrderedDict() for camera in cameras: self.append(camera) def append(self,camera): assert isinstance(camera, CameraModel) name = if name in self._cameras: raise ValueError('Cannot create MultiCameraSystem with ' 'multiple identically-named cameras.') self._cameras[name]=camera @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): cam_dict_list = d['camera_system'] cams = [CameraModel.from_dict(cd) for cd in cam_dict_list] return MultiCameraSystem( cameras=cams ) def get_pymvg_str( self ): d = self.to_dict() d['__pymvg_file_version__']='1.0' buf = pretty_json_dump(d) return buf def save_to_pymvg_file( self, fname ): buf = self.get_pymvg_str() with open(fname,mode='w') as fd: fd.write(buf) @classmethod def from_pymvg_str(cls, buf): d = json.loads(buf) assert d['__pymvg_file_version__']=='1.0' cam_dict_list = d['camera_system'] cams = [CameraModel.from_dict(cd) for cd in cam_dict_list] return MultiCameraSystem( cameras=cams ) @classmethod def from_pymvg_file(cls, fname): with open(fname,mode='r') as fd: buf = return MultiCameraSystem.from_pymvg_str(buf) @classmethod
[docs] def from_mcsc(cls, dirname ): '''create MultiCameraSystem from output directory of MultiCamSelfCal''' # FIXME: This is a bit convoluted because it's been converted # from multiple layers of internal code. It should really be # simplified and cleaned up. do_normalize_pmat=True all_Pmat = {} all_Res = {} all_K = {} all_distortion = {} opj = os.path.join with open(opj(dirname,'camera_order.txt'),mode='r') as fd: cam_ids ='\n') with open(os.path.join(dirname,'Res.dat'),'r') as res_fd: for i, cam_id in enumerate(cam_ids): fname = ''%(i+1) pmat = np.loadtxt(opj(dirname,fname)) # 3 rows x 4 columns if do_normalize_pmat: pmat_orig = pmat pmat = normalize_M(pmat) all_Pmat[cam_id] = pmat all_Res[cam_id] = map(int,res_fd.readline().split()) # load non linear parameters rad_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(dirname) if f.endswith('.rad') ] for cam_id_enum, cam_id in enumerate(cam_ids): filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'basename%d.rad'%(cam_id_enum+1,)) if os.path.exists(filename): K, distortion = parse_radfile(filename) all_K[cam_id] = K all_distortion[cam_id] = distortion else: if len(rad_files): raise RuntimeError( '.rad files present but none named "%s"'%filename) warnings.warn('no non-linear data (e.g. radial distortion) ' 'in calibration for %s'%cam_id) all_K[cam_id] = None all_distortion[cam_id] = None cameras = [] for cam_id in cam_ids: w,h = all_Res[cam_id] Pmat = all_Pmat[cam_id] M = Pmat[:,:3] K,R = my_rq(M) if not is_rotation_matrix(R): # RQ may return left-handed rotation matrix. Make right-handed. R2 = -R K2 = -K assert np.allclose(,R2),,R)) K,R = K2,R2 P = np.zeros((3,4)) P[:3,:3] = K KK = all_K[cam_id] # from rad file or None distortion = all_distortion[cam_id] # (ab)use PyMVG's rectification to do coordinate transform # for MCSC's undistortion. # The intrinsic parameters used for 3D -> 2D. ex = P[0,0] bx = P[0,2] Sx = P[0,3] ey = P[1,1] by = P[1,2] Sy = P[1,3] if KK is None: rect = np.eye(3) KK = P[:,:3] else: # Parameters used to define undistortion coordinates. fx = KK[0,0] fy = KK[1,1] cx = KK[0,2] cy = KK[1,2] rect = np.array([[ ex/fx, 0, (bx+Sx-cx)/fx ], [ 0, ey/fy, (by+Sy-cy)/fy ], [ 0, 0, 1 ]]).T if distortion is None: distortion = np.zeros((5,)) C = center(Pmat) rot = R t =, C)[:,0] d = {'width':w, 'height':h, 'P':P, 'K':KK, 'R':rect, 'translation':t, 'Q':rot, 'D':distortion, 'name':cam_id, } cam = CameraModel.from_dict(d) cameras.append( cam ) return MultiCameraSystem( cameras=cameras )
def __eq__(self, other): assert isinstance( self, MultiCameraSystem ) if not isinstance( other, MultiCameraSystem ): return False if len(self.get_names()) != len(other.get_names()): return False for name in self.get_names(): if self._cameras[name] != other._cameras[name]: return False return True def __ne__(self,other): return not (self==other) def get_names(self): result = list(self._cameras.keys()) return result def get_camera_dict(self): return self._cameras def get_camera(self,name): return self._cameras[name] def to_dict(self): return {'camera_system': [self._cameras[name].to_dict() for name in self._cameras]}
[docs] def find3d(self,pts,undistort=True): """Find 3D coordinate using all data given Implements a linear triangulation method to find a 3D point. For example, see Hartley & Zisserman section 12.2 (p.312). By default, this function will undistort 2D points before finding a 3D point. """ # for info on SVD, see Hartley & Zisserman (2003) p. 593 (see # also p. 587) # Construct matrices A=[] P=[] for name,xy in pts: cam = self._cameras[name] if undistort: xy = cam.undistort( [xy] ) Pmat = cam.get_M() # Pmat is 3 rows x 4 columns row2 = Pmat[2,:] x,y = xy[0,:] A.append( x*row2 - Pmat[0,:] ) A.append( y*row2 - Pmat[1,:] ) # Calculate best point A=np.array(A) u,d,vt=np.linalg.svd(A) X = vt[-1,0:3]/vt[-1,3] # normalize return X
def find2d(self,camera_name,xyz,distorted=True): cam = self._cameras[camera_name] xyz = np.array(xyz) rank1 = xyz.ndim==1 xyz = np.atleast_2d(xyz) pix = cam.project_3d_to_pixel( xyz, distorted=distorted ).T if rank1: # convert back to rank1 pix = pix[:,0] return pix
[docs] def get_aligned_copy(self, other): """return copy of self that is scaled, translated, and rotated to best match other""" assert isinstance( other, MultiCameraSystem) orig_names = self.get_names() new_names = other.get_names() names = set(orig_names).intersection( new_names ) if len(names) < 3: raise ValueError('need 3 or more cameras in common to align.') orig_points = np.array([ self._cameras[name].get_camcenter() for name in names ]).T new_points = np.array([ other._cameras[name].get_camcenter() for name in names ]).T s,R,t = estsimt(orig_points,new_points) assert is_rotation_matrix(R) new_cams = [] for name in self.get_names(): orig_cam = self._cameras[name] new_cam = orig_cam.get_aligned_camera(s,R,t) new_cams.append( new_cam ) result = MultiCameraSystem(new_cams) return result
def build_example_system(n=6,z=5.0): base = CameraModel.load_camera_default() x = np.linspace(0, 2*n, n) theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n) cams = [] for i in range(n): # cameras are spaced parallel to the x axis center = np.array( (x[i], 0.0, z) ) # cameras are looking at +y lookat = center + np.array( (0,1,0)) # camera up direction rotates around the y axis up = -np.sin(theta[i]), 0, np.cos(theta[i]) cam = base.get_view_camera(center,lookat,up) = 'theta: %.0f'%( np.degrees(theta[i]) ) cams.append(cam) system = MultiCameraSystem(cams) return system